Selasa, 23 September 2014

Tour Package To MinangKabau, West Sumatra 4D3N


  • Upon arrival at Minangkabau International Airportyou are greeted by our guide. Journey begins toward Kiambang Top, enjoying the scenery Kiambang t -Anai Valley, the waterfall is believed can make us forever young - Minangkabau Village, miniature Minangkabau in the documentation center and historical Minangkabau – Pandai Sikek, see firsthand the manufacture of woven songket and wood carvings 
  • arrival in Bukittinggi check in hotel – free program

  • After breakfast at the hotel tour to the Valley Harau, hilly valleys with rock waterfall - Tabek Patah, visit the processing of coffee and bananas Sale - Pagaruyung Kingdom Palace, the center of the kingdom of Minangkabau in the past – Danau Singkarak, the biggest lake in West Sumatera - afternoon back to Bukittinggi


  • After breakfast at the hotel directly city tour to the sianok anyon, where the presence of natural scenery as the bastion of Japanese hole Troops War era - Fort De Kock, Padri War forts - the Clock Tower, big ben Dutch heritage complex located in Upper Market -trip continue to Maninjau - enjoy the lake view from the winding 44 Maninjau - straight toward the city of Padang city tour to Kampung China, Chinese ethnic village - Siti Nurbaya Bridge - Mount Padang - Padang Beach – check in hotel

D.04: PADANG - OUT (B)

  • Free program - Transfer out - see you in another program

Tour Package to Minangkabau, West Sumatera 3D2N


  1. Upon arrival at Minangkabau International Airport
  2. you are greeted by our guide. Journey begins toward
  3. Kiambang Top, enjoying the scenery Kiambang t -
  4. Anai Valley, the waterfall is believed can make us
  5. forever young - Minangkabau Village, miniature
  6. Minangkabau in the documentation center and
  7. historical Minangkabau – Pandai Sikek, see firsthand
  8. the manufacture of woven songket and wood carvings
  9. -arrival in Bukittinggi check in hotel – free program


  1. After breakfast at the hotel directly city tour to the
  2. Sianok canyon, where the presence of natural scenery
  3. as the bastion of Japanese hole Troops War era - Fort
  4. De Kock, Padri War forts - the Clock Tower, big ben
  5. Dutch heritage complex located in Upper Market -
  6. trip continue to Maninjau - enjoy the lake view from
  7. the winding 44 Maninjau - straight toward the city of
  8. Padang city tour to Kampung China, Chinese ethnic
  9. village - Siti Nurbaya Bridge - Mount Padang - Padang
  10. Beach – check hotel

D.03: PADANG - OUT (B)

  1. Free program - Transfer out - see you in another program

Senin, 15 September 2014

About Indonesia

Let's The World To Know About Indonesia.  Indonesia is a big country with multiple culture and art. Indonesia also have many beautiful places of tourism destinations beside Bali.As a maritime nation, Indonesia have a lot of beautiful, nature and origin beaches and underwater world. Beside Kecak Dance, Indonesia also have jaipong dance, mask dance, plate dance

etc.Indonesia also have many temple such as narmada temple in lombok, borobudur in Jogja, Dewi Kwan Im in Belitung etc. Indonesia also have many beautiful mountains such as merapi, bromo, rinjani, pangrango, gede etc. So if you attend to Visit Indonesia, try other destinations, and you will admire to what Indonesia have is.  Need further information about any destinations in Indonesia, please do not hesitate to contact us, B/I/C (Bumi Indonesia Cantik) JakTours,+6281298982544/BB 22793930/email

Minggu, 14 September 2014

Bic Jakarta Tour

   Need Vacation to Indonesia ???? Indonesia is not only about Bali, We also have others beautiful destination.......Call Us...B/I/C (Bumi Indonesia Cantik) JakTours, +6281298982544/ Blackberry Messenger 22793930 / email

Paket Wisata bersama B/I/C JakTours
Hubungi Kami

Kamis, 11 September 2014

B/I/C JakTours adalah Corporate Agent yang melayani Paket Wisata ke Seluruh Pelosok Indonesia. Kami melayani Paket Wisata untuk Keluarga, Perusahaan, Komunitas maupun Individu. Paket Wisata kami terdiri Private Trip, Public Trip/Reguler Trip, Saver Package, Backpacker, Fotographer Hunting dan Honeymoon. Kami melayani Gathering, Outing, Outbound, Offroad Adventure, Jelajah Pulau dll.  Tujuan wisata kami lebih diprioritaskan pada Keindahan dan Keramahtamahan serta Keragaman Alam, Seni dan Budaya di Indonesia. 

Adapun tujuan wisata kami adalah 

  1. Pulau Belitung, Negeri Laskar Pelangi.
  2. Wisata Kepulauan Seribu
  3. Kuliner, Fashion, Offroad Adventure & Edukasi Bandung
  4. Offroad Adventure & Edukasi Gunung Merapi
  5. Seni & Budaya Yogyakarta
  6. Alam Batu Malang
  7. Sunrise/Sunset Puncak Bromo & Kawah Ijen
  8. Alam Bahari Karimun Jawa
  9. Alam, Seni & Budaya Jawa Timur
  10. Seni & Budaya Pulau Dewata Bali
  11. Alam & Budaya Pulau Lombok
  12. Magnificient Komodo
  13. Alam Bawah Laut Raja Ampat & Bunaken
  14. Pantai & Bawah Laut Pulau Derawan & Maratua
  15. Alam & Budaya Loksado
  16. Dll. 
Untuk Informasi Harga Paket, silahkan hubungi kami di +6281298982544/BB 22793930/email